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At Torrent, we use a wide range of materials to develop our high-quality Bartop stoppers. Microgranulated cork, wood, zamak, aluminium and biopolymers are just some of them.

Each raw material that we choose is for a specific reason that has to do with the design that we have planned for the product and with the specific requirements of the customer.

In this way, and through a sustainable, safe and certified production process (ISO standards certifications 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 22000 and Systecode, where they coincide), our stoppers are used for bottles from the best global brands of wines, cognacs, tequilas, brandies and vodkas, amongst others.

In the case of Zamak, we combine it with microgranulated cork to obtain Prestige-quality Bartop stoppers.


What is zamak?

Zamak is a material made from zinc with aluminium, copper and magnesium alloy. That’s where its name comes from: Zamak is an acronym taken from German: Zinc, Aluminium, Magnesium and Copper.

There are a lot of benefits from using Zamak:

  • In relation to other similar materials, it is relatively cheap.
  • It is tough
  • It is deformable, so it can be adapted to very specific shapes of recipient. Generally, parts manufactured by Zamak injection enable a good finish.
  • It has good processability
  • In addition, zamak can be chromed, painted and machined.

Zamak is one of the materials we use at Torrent Closures to make the crowns for our Bartop stoppers. We use it to make crowns that adapt superbly to the bottle that will be corked. It is also a malleable material that can be applied to aesthetic marketing designs.


Using zamak for Torrent Barstop stoppers line

At Torrent Closures, we combine the use of zamak and microgranulated cork to obtain a Bartop stopper of international quality.

The Bartop stopper is a closure that combines microgranulated or natural cork and a crown that can be made of another material.  For Torrent Group, this other material is also naturally sourced, such as wood, biopolymers or metal (such as zamak, in this case).

Torrent recommends this type of stopper for drinks that are consumed by the glass, where a bottle can last several days and be opened and closed several times. The consumer’s experience of using this closure is excellent. In this sense, the Bartop stoppers hermetically close the container and every opening and closing of the bottle is comfortable.

The Bartop stopper crown is also produced at Torrent Closures. It also adapts in design and material to the needs of our customers: crowns can be made from different materials such as wood, biobased polymers or metals such as zamak.