Garantizamos el origen: campaña para el uso de tapones irrellenables . Website - Website Olivarama | Torrents Closures

Website Olivarama, reports recently on our campaing “We Guarantee the Origin” . As you may know this newly passed law tries to guarentee the quality of an iconic product of our gastronomy.  This may be achieved by using non-refillable caps in olive oil bottles. Torrent Group, as closure producer, provides oil manufacturers with the “remedy” to avoid the extended use of refillable oil containers in restaurants and hotels.

We gladly see the Website Olivarama reporting on our campaing

We gladly see the media reporting on our campaing and we remember you that an specific space was launched into our corporate site, with technical information in English and Spanish about our olive oil security caps, specifically designed to guarantee security of bottles they close. They also offer non-drip feature, and controlled pouring systems.

Additionally, all new information related to the “We Guarantee the Origin” campaign is being communicated through social media. Furthermore, to facilitate information to consumers and bottlers, we granted two new direct phone lines (0034 956 036 255 and 0034 956 036 233) and an specific email address