Tapones irrellenables para bebidas - Non-refillable closures

Non-refillable closures for beverages: Innovation, guarantee and quality, according to Infopack

The prestigious Spanish magazine Infopack has dedicated an extensive report to our company, highlighting innovation, quality and the guarantee of our non-refillable closures. According to the magazine, Torrent Group is immersed in a process of continuous innovation, aimed at taking another step forward in the  non-refillable closure sector.  Differentiation and innovation …


Packaging Europe highlights the benefits of non-refillable aluminum caps

Packaging Europe highlights the benefits of non-refillable aluminum caps

Elisabeth Skoda from Packaging Europe spoke to Guido Aufdemkamp, the communications director of the European Aluminium Foil Association (EAFA), to find out more about the closures’ advantages and about the decision to include aluminium closure manufacturers in the association. Packaging Europe is the leading information supplier for and about the international packaging industry. Working …