tapon sintra Torrent Closures - sintra stopper

Under this title, our colleague, Sonia Tuñón, the Incident Management System Officer, took part in Valencia on a course on “Assessment of the suitability of packaging materials in contact with food”. This was delivered at the ITENE Technological Centre and was attended by cardboard, flexible packaging and films manufacturers, and food packers. Also attending were retail sector professionals who manage the regulatory aspects that affect packaging.

The objective of the course was to facilitate and help packaging manufacturing companies in contact with food on those issues that have to do with the packaging and food safety compliance. Among the topics discussed, Sonia highlighted the practical and updated approach of the latest developments in the sector through a presentation of practical and successful cases.

Development of our SINTRA stopper

The development of our SINTRA stopper was presented as a success story. During her talk, Sonia Tuñón explained the study that we have undertaken to test the food safety of the Bisphenol A-free SINTRA stopper. She concluded by saying that all the test results were positive, complying both with European and

MERCOSUR legislation, given that the main destination of SINTRA stoppers is South America. She also pointed out the importance of collaboration with specialist partners: universities, technology centres and sector associations.

During the course, the current situation of sustainability systems in our sectors and the urgent need to carry out measures supporting the circular economy were also addressed.


It was a pleasure to share our experiences.