fomento de acciones formativas con SAFA

Torrent Group and the Sagrada Familia Professional Schools Foundation (SAFA) have signed a collaboration agreement for the promotion of training actions in plastic injection techniques. This initiative is part of the Production Cycle Programming Training, which is held at the San Luis School in El Puerto de Santa María.

Our company welcomes on a regular basis SAFA students.

As you know, our company welcomes on a regular basis students from different training modules to our production plants, where they do their final-year practicals. With the signing of this agreement, we wanted to expand our collaboration with SAFA. We have donated a plastics injector to train students in this technique, which will be incorporated into the curriculum focusing on machining.

The agreement signing ceremony was attended by the Director General of the SAFA Foundation, Enrique Gómez-Puig and the president of Torrent Group, David Torrent. Also present on behalf of SAFA were the headmistress of San Luis School, Mari Carmen Carreto and the training manager, Carlos Guerrero. Eduardo Jiménez, manager of Torrent Innova, and Antonio Navarro, Industrial Manager, also assisted on behalf of Torrent.

During the day, attendees at the firm visited the centre’s facilities: Professional Training Workshops, the Natural Sciences Museum and RTC (Reinvent the Classroom), a technological classroom that favours project work and the “maker” philosophy of learning by doing.