Adecco Foundation | Grupo Torrent

The #EmploymentForAllproject, now run by the Adecco Foundation for over 20 years, aims to support the inclusion in employment of people with disabilities by reducing the barriers they encounter and providing them with the resources to be self-employed through employment.

In a situation as complex as the one we are going through, employment becomes a fundamental vehicle for making life normal and avoiding social exclusion.

An indispensable initiative of Adecco which Torrent Group has recently joined. The Managing Director of Torrent Group, Mario Quiñonero, has stated that “supporting the employment of people with disabilities is a pressing matter, and at Torrent Group Closures, together with Adecco Foundation, we have started on this new path with a great sense of enthusiasm and responsibility”.

Adecco Foundation and Torrent Group

The #EmploymentForAll project focusses on two essential areas: job seekers and companies. On the one hand, it has a team of inclusion specialists who guide, train and support people at risk of exclusion so that they can find a job in the shortest period possible; and, on the other, with an expert team familiar with business needs.  This team promotes work environments that are supportive of inclusion through Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (De&I) strategies that have a cross-cutting impact on the company.

This agreement takes place in an unstable economic and social context: the crisis caused by COVID-19 has hit people at risk of exclusion to a greater extent, such as those with disabilities, single-parent families and/or people with limited resources, who already had difficulties before the pandemic.  Unemployment continues to rise, affecting essential sectors and generating extreme situations of vulnerability, which could trigger poverty figures in Spain.

About Adecco Foundation

Established in 1999 by the Director of the Adecco FoundationFrancisco Mesonero Fernández de Córdoba, the Adecco Foundation is the result of the Corporate Social Responsibility promoted by the Adecco Group as a world leader in Human Resources management. Its main objective is the insertion in the employment market of those people who, due to their personal circumstances, find it more difficult to find a job.

– People with disabilities

– The long-term unemployed over 45 years old

– Women with non-shared family responsibilities or victims of gender violence

– Other groups at risk of social exclusion

According to the Adecco Foundation, #EmploymentForAll was launched in order to address 3 fundamental factors: There are 12.1 million people in a situation of social exclusion, according to the AROPE report by ESPN; the figures for structural unemployment (14%), which in many cases is becoming chronic and long-term; and finally, the Gini Index, which in Spain is at 33.2. This index defines the levels of inequality, 100 being the maximum and 1 being the perfect equilibrium situation.