Tapón ad hoc un producto personalizado deTorrent Lab - ad hoc stopper

The Torrent Group, the leading manufacture of closure solutions for virgin olive oil, liqueurs and spirits, has grown sustainably for over one hundred years alongside its customers, focusing its activities on meeting market requirements. The evolution, competition and strategy of stopper sectors now centres upon the development of products such as the Ad Hoc stopper, which the Andalusian company has provided for its customers for some time, following marketing trends linked to the consumption of premium products.

The Torrent Group has set up the Torrent Lab for this purpose. A “laboratory of ideas”, under the management of Torrent Innova, the R + D + i department of this closures company. According to Eduardo Jiménez, Innovation and Moulds Manager, “it’s about us approaching the customer more when beginning a project, sharing with them the experiences and tools we use”. The conceptualization of the project through blending virtual and physical mechanisms in order to create success is the approach taken by this work model based on the senses.

“We want the customer to interact with the ad hoc stopper model, which we work on together from the offset”, says Jiménez. From the start of the process, Torrent Lab demonstrates the potential of materials to be used in closures, their different results and the implication that different designs have for the final outcome.

In this sense, the EcoDesign applied by Torrent Group in its closure solutions prototypes is highly relevant. The sustainable focus on all stopper designs means a reduction in costs and the use of minimum material, therefore contributing to recyclability. At Torrent Lab, customers can see, use and touch the raw material to be used in each closure.

Honest sustainability in Ad Hoc stopper production

Torrent practices the concept of “Honest Sustainability” in the explicit sense of the words, “because we want to make the world a better place”. According to the stopper manufacturer, there are many actions which, although are claimed to be sustainable, “are not completely”. It provides an example: recyclable polymers can be used in a specific project and a final product created which, through a mixture of different raw materials, is not sustainable. Therefore, Torrent Group’s current and future commitment to closure manufacturing involves the use of monomaterials from the start of the Ad Hoc stopper design process.

Furthermore, as part of the company’s objective to internalize its productive processes, it has recently launched Torrent Mould. The Torren Mould workshop has been created for two reasons. One, to ensure confidentiality for new launches; and two, to support reactivity, setting priorities for challenges.

We would like to thank Alimarket, a leading company in economic sector information content generation in Spain, for publishing this article about us, and for highlighting the launch of our new departments that will help in the production of the Ad Hoc stopper based strongly on responsible sustainability.