torrent tribe: pequeños héroes de la Tribu Torrent

The educator María Montessori said: “Sow good ideas in children, even though they may not understand them… The passing years will make sure to unravel their understanding of them”. We would like to dedicate these words to all our Torrent Tribe colleagues whose children have taken part in the “I’m staying at home” / “From work to home and home to work” campaign, launched at the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis.



We have received images and videos of your children making the most their time during the confinement, amongst other things, and unavoidably, by painting stoppers. Theirs is such a lovely gesture that we would like to share it with you in this video, just as we said when launching the campaign.


Torrent Tribe: Our little heroes

Our little heroes of Torrent Tribe have shown that ingenuity is the best ally against this adversity. They are giving us lessons on a daily basis about how to make difficult moments easier.

That’s why we would like to THANK our little heroes from the bottom of our hearts.

#ActionsThatMatter #TheTorrentTribe